唐代诗人: 白居易 王勃 王维 孟浩然 李白 杜甫 李商隐 | 宋代诗人: 辛弃疾 苏轼 柳永 李清照 王安石 欧阳修 | 清代诗人: 龚自珍 曹雪芹 钱谦益 纳兰性德 王国维


she gathers the large duckweed ,
by the banks of the stream in the southern valley .
she gathers the pondweed ,
in those pools left by the floods .
she deposits what she gathers ,
in her square baskets and round ones
she boils it ,in her tripods and pans .
she sets forth her preparations ,
under the window in the ancestral chamber .
who superintends the business ?
it is reverent young lady .





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