唐代诗人: 白居易 王勃 王维 孟浩然 李白 杜甫 李商隐 | 宋代诗人: 辛弃疾 苏轼 柳永 李清照 王安石 欧阳修 | 清代诗人: 龚自珍 曹雪芹 钱谦益 纳兰性德 王国维


Silence, are lonely, alone on the empty slowly west wing.
Looked up days, only one curved like the hook of the company.
Lower the head to look, see buttonwood isolated and lonely in the yard, deep courtyard was enveloped in the autumn cold and desolate.
That cut cut constantly, also the principle, reason not clear, let a person afflicted with, it is of national subjugation.
The long melancholy wrapped around the heart, but is another kind of an ineffable painful.


剪不断,理还乱,是离愁。别是一般滋味在心头。(一般 一作:一番)
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