唐代诗人: 白居易 王勃 王维 孟浩然 李白 杜甫 李商隐 | 宋代诗人: 辛弃疾 苏轼 柳永 李清照 王安石 欧阳修 | 清代诗人: 龚自珍 曹雪芹 钱谦益 纳兰性德 王国维


Lotus Root(To the Tune of Yulouchun
Zhou Bangyan

Young, we threw away the pastoral years.
Now like a broken lotus root it is impossible to join the present and the past.
Then, we waited for each other, standing by the vermilion-railed bridge.
Today, I search for the traces, in vain, along the deserted path buried under yellow leaves.
Through the mist, all the peaks seem to be highlighting the blue.
Setting on the back of a wild goose, the sun turns into a dark red.
You left, like a cloud drifting away, across the river.
The memory of our passion is like a willow catkin stuck to the ground, after the rain.


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