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作者:admin 发表于2019-01-25 12:09 阅读(77)



“It’s not about pop culture, and it’s not about fooling people, and it’s not about convincing people that they want something they don’t. We figure out what we want. And I think we’re pretty good at having the right discipline to think through whether a lot of other people are going to want it, too. That’s what we get paid to do.”

「这不是大众文化,不是愚弄别人,不是说服别人想要他们不想要的东西。我们想出我们要什么,而我觉得我们在这方面做得很好 – 拥有正确的纪律来想清楚是否也有很多其它人会想要,那是别人付钱给我们做的事。」

pop (adj.) 是「流行的,大众的」,如:pop music (流行音乐)。fool (v.) 是「欺蛮,愚弄」,如:You almost had me fooled! (你几乎骗倒我了!) convince (v.) 是「说服,使相信」,如:I’m convinced that she is the best artist in China. (我相信她是中国最杰出的艺术家。) think through 是「仔细思考」,如:Please give me more time to think things through. (请给我多一点时间想清楚事情。)
个人解读:我有时会想人们到底想要什么,该推出什么样的产品,是不是应推一些时下火红的东西… 很显然的,贾伯斯的想法在一个更高的层次。

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