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作者:admin 发表于2019-01-25 12:09 阅读(63)



“That’s been one of my mantras – focus and simplicity. Simple can be harder than complex: You have to work hard to get your thinking clean to make it simple. But it’s worth it in the end because once you get there, you can move mountains.”

「那一直是我的真言之一 – 专注与简化。简单可以比复杂更困难:你需努力使你的思想净化来让它简单。但最终那是值得的因为一旦到达那境界,你将可移山。」

that’s 是 that has 的缩写。mantra (n.) 是「宗教的经文;某经常听到的话语 / 理念」,如:Most American businesses are not fond of the mantra that “a strong dollar is in America’s interest.” (美国大部分企业不喜欢「强势美元对美国有益」这句老话。) complex (adj.) 是「复杂的,由互相有关的部分所组成的」,如:This company has a complex organizational structure. (这间公司有个复杂的组织结构。)

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